Bharathiar University
Established In
Located In
Tamil Nadu

The University has 39 Departments, offering 54 post-graduate programs besides offering M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs. The University is an affiliating University. The jurisdiction of the University covers the districts of Coimbatore, Erode, Tirupur, and The Nilgiris with 133 affiliated colleges.
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council have accredited the University with an ‘A’ Grade in the third cycle assessment. Bharathiar University is marching towards becoming a World Class University by garnering a ranking in the International arena. Times Higher Education Young Universities World Ranking ranked our University in the range of 201 to 250. We stand at 13th rank under the category of University and 21st among the top 100 institutions in the MoE’s National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking. In 2021, Bharathiar University secured a ranking in the range of 801-1000 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.
The state-of-the-art facilities available for faculty members and scholars nurture a culture of research in cutting-edge areas. Industry infusion into the curriculum is given prominence by involving industry experts – R&D managers, product development managers, and technical managers in the curriculum development as special invitees to the Board of Studies.
Our University is a partner in the MHRD National Knowledge Network. Through UGC – Infonet, and Inflibnet a collection of physical and electronic resources is available. The Intellectual Property Rights Cell of Bharathiar University protects the rights of inventions of faculty and young researchers in the University. The DRDO-BU-Center for Life Sciences was established in Bharathiar University as a joint venture by DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, as an autonomous research institute to pursue basic and applied research.
Bharathiar University Centre for International Affairs (BU-CIA) facilitates admission of international students through study in India (MoU) and Indian Council for Cultural Relations (MEA). BU-CIA operates in liaison with the Association of Indian Universities, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, and the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.
With a dedicated team of faculty with vast experience in teaching and research and dedicated and experienced administrative members, the University has emerged as one of the strong pillars of higher education in this region.
MCOM Master of Commerce
M.A. Economics
M.A. Tamil
M.A. English Literature
BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration)
B.A.(English Literature)
NIRF 15th Ranking
Bharathiar University is consistently securing a good position in rankings among the top Universities in India. National Institutional Ranking Framework our university stands at 14th position among Indian Universities and 22nd position in the overall category, for the year 2021.
In the Times Higher Education Ranking for 2021, our University secured the position in the 801-1000 band. Among Indian Universities, it stands at the 19th position. Among Asian Universities and emerging economics Universities, we stand at the position in the band of 251-300.
In the Shanghai ranking 2020, Bharathiar University secured a position in the 901-1000 band. Among Indian institutions, it stands at the position of 10-15.
Centre for World University Rankings 2021, placed our University at the 44th position among Indian Universities and 1623 among world Universities.
In the UI Green Metric World Ranking 2021, our University secured 19th position among Indian Universities and 642nd position among world Universities
Bharathiar University is the recipient of the India Research Excellence Award in the year 2019 by Clarivate Analytics.