Top Career Opportunities
after MCA

Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a popular computer science postgraduate degree that provides a mix of theoretical learning and practical training for future information technology (IT) professionals. The duration of an MCA programme is three years, where students learn about in-demand IT professional skills necessary to develop computer applications for different businesses. There are many opportunities for MCA graduates to begin their careers, depending on their previous learning experiences.

Software developer

Primary duties: Software developers have a fundamental role in building, testing, installing and maintaining software systems for their clients. Software developers also work to upgrade existing programs while installing new ones. They often use their analytical and problem-solving skills to meet their businesses’ and customers’ needs
Professional software developers require technical skills to excel in their workplace. They use their technical skills to develop and debug software products, programs or applications. Learning about different skills required for this profession and how to use them in the workplace can help you become a successful software developer. In this article, we explore what software developer skills are, understand their importance and explore the 15 top skills required to excel in this profession.

What Are Software Developer Skills?

Software developer skills are the technical capabilities of an individual that help them develop error-free computer programs and applications. As software developers create software, they employ science, engineering, math and design techniques to build these systems. So, to become a successful developer, you require mastery over several technical skills like writing codes, designing user interfaces and using databases. Including these skills in your CV can make you a suitable candidate and increase your probability of getting hired for the desired job.

Why Are Software Skills Important?

Skills for software developers are essential because of they:
Make you more confident: Having the right technical skill makes you feel confident about accomplishing your day-to-day software developer’s responsibilities and help you work efficiently. Make you more employable: Having job-related software development skills listed on your CV can make you a much more well-rounded employee. It helps you stand out among other candidates. Help you become a valuable asset: For those with limited software development skills, striving in a technological world is complex. Having proficiency in software development technology, tools and platforms is desirable. 15 Software Developer Skills Here are 15 software skills to master to become a successful software developer:

1. Programming language

Coding or programming languages are source code a developer uses to create a software program or product. Proficiency in at least one programming language is essential to increase job opportunities. While it is likely that an employer does not expect you to be fluent in all coding languages, knowing the fundamentals of widely used programming languages can make you a suitable candidate. Some common coding languages to learn are:

2. Proficiency in databases

An essential skill for developers is understanding databases. A database is a collection and storage of data. Developers use a database to search for information, add new information and update the existing information. They also know how to secure a database and perform a backup of a company’s data during unforeseen circumstances. For creating any software program or product, developers require a database. Employers prefer candidates who can create data and also store, update and delete it. Some commonly used databases are:

3. Cloud computing

Companies prefer candidates with cloud computing skills to improve security, save time and minimise the storage size. Software developers are typically responsible for configuring this platform and they require proficiency in server management and coding languages. As many companies rely on cloud technology, it may be beneficial to learn about applications that use cloud-based technology.

4. Testing procedures

Every software program undergoes a series of testing procedures before a company releases it to the market. Using different digital tools, software developers ensure a program functions as per requirement. This involves checking the program’s ability to function on different hardware devices. So, having proficiency in these three testing procedures can help developers create error-free programs:

5. Data structure and algorithms

Data structure refers to methods used by organisations to store information in a database, whereas algorithms refer to completing a task. Proficiency in both is essential for optimising information in a program’s code. It’s impossible to write a real-world application without knowledge of data structures like arrays, linked lists and maps.

6. Operating systems

Employers prefer hiring candidates with considerable proficiency in different operating systems. It ensures a developer can solve issues like blocking, memory problems, slow programs and conflicting tools. Depending upon the job requirement and your preference, you can specialise in any of the following operating systems:

7. Networking basic

Often, software developers work on client-server models, where a request can go to a client who can access the application from anywhere in the world. This requires an understanding of basic networking topics like VPN, DNS, IP, CDN and HTTPS. Companies prefer using client-server models to develop online games, web-based applications, cloud computing and business automation.

8. Software framework

Software frameworks are platforms a developer uses for creating software applications. A software framework aims to ease the development environment and prevent them from creating applications from scratch. Often, a framework includes a compiler, code of libraries and other helpful programs in the development process. Some widely used software frameworks are:

9. Proficiency in debugging

Debugging refers to the process of removing errors from the programming code. It primarily involves running a program through a compiler and analysing the errors to ensure the application or software works as per design requirements. Often, developers debug their code while writing to ensure that the code is functional during the testing stage.

10. Ability to use text editors

Text editing software allows developers to create and edit plain text. Proficiency in a text editor is essential for removing formatting used in different word processors. Using text editing software, developers write text and symbols required for a programming language. Text editor removes formatting and allows you to transfer code into one system. Proficiency in one or more text editors on your CV makes you a desirable candidate for a software development job. Some commonly used text editors are:

11. Integrated development environment (IDE)

IDEs help a developer write, modify, compile and debug code of lines. Knowing how to use IDEs to optimise your work and improve performance is a key skill for a software developer. Some commonly used IDEs are:

12. Encryption

Encryption is the process of securing confidential data using a secure and encrypted key to prevent the software or application from cyberattacks. It involves writing algorithms to develop a decryption code to allow the original data users to access the information. Software developers use two types of encryptions, namely symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

13. Spreadsheet

Encryption is the process of securing confidential data using a secure and encrypted key to prevent the software or application from cyberattacks. It involves writing algorithms to develop a decryption code to allow the original data users to access the information. Software developers use two types of encryptions, namely symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

14. Object-oriented design

A basic understanding of the four fundamental principles of object design is essential for a successful career in software development. The four key principles are encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. Object-oriented design is using an object-oriented method for designing a computer application or system.

15. Cross-platform software

Products that a software developer creates should run on multiple platforms like Mac, Windows and Linux. Knowledge of writing codes that can run on a maximum number of platforms is desirable. This is because you are then able to work with whichever tools are already part of your workplace.

15. Cross-platform software

Products that a software developer creates should run on multiple platforms like Mac, Windows and Linux. Knowledge of writing codes that can run on a maximum number of platforms is desirable. This is because you are then able to work with whichever tools are already part of your workplace.

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Software Developer?

A good software developer is an asset to any organisation because they help develop a solution to solve key business problems. Software developer jobs today require various qualities that combine coding with non-programming qualities, knowledge and habits. Some qualities of a good software developer are:

Hardware engineer

Primary duties: Hardware engineers control and manage the physical components of a computer system. They usually develop functional designs and innovative solutions for computers and other related technical equipment. Their job also includes supervising the production process, testing, installing and repairing a system’s building blocks like keyboards, chips, circuits and routers.

Database engineer

Primary duties: Database engineers create and manage databases, which store and organise data. Their job includes ensuring that the existing databases are functional while also configuring existing systems. They typically benefit from having sound knowledge of the structured query language (SQL) and analytics. It often helps them perform their job of debugging databases better and ensuring that they meet their required purpose

Cloud Architect

Candidates can also opt to pursue an MBA degree in the IT and Systems field. Pursuing such an MBA course makes one eligible to secure a job with a good pay package in any industry. Some popular job profiles that aspirants can pursue after completing an MBA course in IT and Systems are listed below:

What is a cloud architect?

A cloud architect is an IT professional who designs, manages and builds cloud computing architecture in an organisation. A cloud computing architecture includes front-end platforms, storage, delivery, servers and networks required to manage the cloud infrastructure. These professionals are responsible for cloud application design, adoption plans, management and monitoring of cloud infrastructure. Because of the wide adoption of cloud computing, these cloud architects can work in manufacturing companies, technology companies, design firms and any other organisation that uses this technology.
As this job does not involve hardware and focuses on remote technologies, cloud architects often enjoy a flexible schedule or remote work. These professionals work with many other IT team members, including database developers, information security managers and quality assurance professionals, to ensure proper designing and monitoring of cloud infrastructure.

What does a cloud architect do?

Cloud architects manage an existing cloud database and develop new cloud-computing solutions to help organisations become efficient. Here are some day-to-day responsibilities for this job role:
Translate project-specific requirements into cloud structure that support the needs of the organisation Create the cloud strategy and manage the adaption process Design and improve existing cloud technology Build and coordinate cloud architecture Work with the IT team to ensure cloud privacy and security Respond and troubleshoot technical issues related to cloud architecture Identify leading cloud architecture solutions to meet organisational goals Integrate new applications in the cloud environment Conduct migration to bring tools and other elements in the cloud environment Communicate with customers to identify their cloud needs and incorporate cloud solutions that address those needs Articulate complicated cloud reports to management, business stakeholders and IT development partners

Is cloud architect a good career?

Yes, cloud architect is a good and rewarding career because it is a high-demand job that offers a competitive salary and allows you to progress in your career quickly. Cloud architects are highly skilled professionals because they use their knowledge and experience to create a durable, secure and scalable cloud infrastructure. These professionals work in an ever-evolving field where employment needs are abundant, making it a fast-paced career.
Work environment of cloud architects Cloud architects usually work full time with an organisation. They spend a major part of their workday working on technical applications. While most of their job involves working in an office setting, they may visit the client’s location to understand their business requirements. Most of the time, these architects complete their job-specific duties during standard business hours, but they may address workplace issues after hours.
Like other IT roles, these architects work in a collaborative and fast-paced work environment where they strategise with the IT team to build, design, maintain and secure the organisation’s cloud infrastructure. For a successful career in this job role, you may sit and work on computer applications for long periods.